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Affichage des articles du avril 5, 2020

The Next Big One : écologie, émergence et évolution des systèmes épidémiques

The Next Big One : écologie, émergence et évolution des systèmes épidémiques  « The Next Big One, as I mentionned at the start of this book, is a subject that disease scientists around the world often adress. They think about it, they talk about it, and they're quite accustomed to being asked about it. As they do their work or discuss pandemics of the past, the Next Big One (NBO) is at the back of their minds.  « The most recent big one is AIDS (le SIDA), of which the eventual total bigness (the scope of it's harm, the breadth of its reach) cannot even be predicted. About 30 million deaths, 34 million living people now infected, with no end in sight. Polio was a big one, at least in America, where it achieved special notoriety by crippling a man who would become president despite it. Polio also, during its worst years, struck hundreds of thousands of children and paralyzed or killed many, captured the public attention like headlights freezing a deer, and brought drastic change