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Affichage des articles du mars 22, 2020

Guerre de l'information et mégapolitique : de l'État-nation à l'Individu souverain

Guerre de l'information et mégapolitique : de l'État-nation à l'Individu souverain  « In our views, the key to understanding how societies evolve is to understand factors that determine the costs and rewards of employing violence. Every human society, from the hunting band to the empire, has been informed by the interactions of megapolitical factors that set the prevailing version of the « laws of nature. » Life is always and everywhere complex. The lamb and the lion keep a delicate balance, interacting at the margin. If lions were suddenly more swift, they would catch prey that now escape. If lambs suddenly grew wings, lions would starve. The capacity to utilize and defend against violence is the crucial variable that alters life at the margin. »  - (James Dale Davidson et Lord William Rees-Mogg, The Sovereign Individual, 1997)  L'intérêt des livres de prospectives politiques peut se concevoir de deux manières. La première implique d'utiliser ces lectures comme